Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Goals

Forget Resolutions that start with "I want to."  Stand tall (like a heron)  and say to 2016 "I WILL!"  And since this blog is meant for my rambling words about becoming a better me, this year I will break down my yearly plans into categories that I will accomplish, and excite me to be me!

(1) This year I will run: Little Rock Marathon, Savannah Half Marathon, St. Jude Half Marathon, and a yet to be determined Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon. (Dwan! we need to pick a race for our       vouchers!)

I love running, don't get me wrong. But if I don't have a plan spaced throughout the year, then I will give myself a break and end up starting back at the beginning in terms of speed and distance.  I need to add another race in there for the summer, perhaps the Navy 10 NM again, or a RnR if it fits my schedule.

(2)  This year I will lose 10 lbs.

Yes I know this is cliche, but I have 10 lbs to my current goal weight, and I think that 10 lbs is a totally reasonable amount to shoot for.  My real challenge will be keeping it off once I reach it.

(3) This year I will, be a better friend.

It seems as life goes on, everyone gets busier.  Babies are born.  Life becomes more chaotic.  Spending time with those you love and care about isn't always easy.  There are people I need to visit.  Friends I need to reconnect with.  Adventures yet to be made.

(4)  This year I will, seek balance.

CrossFit, running, soccer, softball, family, friends, clean eating (& its prep time), work, sleep.  Everything requires time.  I need to seek out a balance to healthily do all I need (& want) and keep my sanity.  :)

2016 is a new year for new goals, accomplishments, and success stories.  What are your "I WILLS?"