Friday, March 25, 2016

Sweet Potato Quiche

It's: Foodie Friday!  *cheers!*

White surfing on Facebook this morning, I stumbled upon an amazing recipe:Sweet Potato Quiche  For my batch breakfasts I typically make an egg, turkey sausage, and sweet potato or rice concoction.  This looked right up my alley for a new way to create a different breakfast with most of the same ingredients.  I modified it to my liking, but it was amazing!

My version:
2 sweet potatoes
coconut oil (to coat the pan)
4 eggs
2 egg whites
splash of almond milk
handfuls of spinach
1 red bell pepper
slice of an onion (not a big fan)
6 turkey sausage links
baby tomatoes (cut in half, on top)
horizon mozzarella cheese (to sprinkle on top)

You can follow the version on the link.   I think my changes are fairly obvious, but if you have a question, feel free to ask away!

Slicing up potatoes.

Onions, bell pepper, and spinach.

Mixing the eggs, cutting the sausage, and pouring it all in.

Final presentation!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Since running the LR Marathon a couple of weeks ago, I have gone running once.  I've had a few soccer games (indoor and out) and have amped up my return to CrossFit, but running just hasn't been a craving I desire.  I knew I would also have to take some time off when my hip injection.  However, the timing of me giving my body a running rest, the injection, and the overindulgence of birthday foods has left me feeling full and fat.  I allowed myself way too many treats to celebrate- because I finished the race, because it was my birthday, because I had to carb load.  I was looking for excuses where ever I could find them.  Now, I am seeing the consequences.  It took months of hard work of training and running to drop just a few pounds on my frame, and yet it took just a couple of weeks to undo all of the damage.

I am trying to not beat myself up over it.  Tomorrow is indeed a new day.  I was hoping that if I let it out, I could let it go, and move back to making progress.  Sometimes, I just hold things inside too much, and then torture myself and mentally beat myself up for my slip ups and (temporary) failures.

I find it to be no coincidence that I saved this image just the other day.  

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Little Rock Marathon

 Overall, this is a race I would HIGHLY recommend.  The weather was warmer and sunnier than expected, and the description about it being hilly is more than oh so true.  I didn't hit my wall until about mile 21/22, which was much further than I anticipated.  I was proud to complete this race, not just to finish another 26.2, but also to be able to run with such a fabulous and wonderful group of ladies.  And we cannot forget the medal, that MEDAL, so bling bling! -  on a Mr. T, WWE, cowboy belt buckle level.  I honestly thought this would be my last full, but after this positive experience, I'm not saying never.

En route.

Expo shenanigans.

Starting line selfie

Mid-race selfie. 

Will run for choco chip banana bread.

How to pose with a bling out medal.

 We DID it!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #8

With every human in my house getting sick, aside from me, when I felt exhausted Wednesday evening, I slept.  It is to close to race day for me to catch anything.  Thankfully, that seemed to do the trick.  However, that left me with only one true run this past week, today's Trail 10k.  I added 2 miles to it to get my last long run in before the marathon NEXT WEEK!  So excited that race week has finally FINALLY arrived.  It has been a long winter of training runs.  Here's to a hopefully illness and injury free week, full of fun!

Please tell me I'm not alone with tearing up the insides of my legs as I run.....  I typically hit my ankles, but trail running takes it to a whole new level.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #7

Man, I sure stink at actually putting together consistent blog posts.  I'm tryin' y'all!

Wednesday was chilly.  We bundled up and had our typical fun thou!
Wednesday, Wednesday!

Our taper long run was 9 miles this weekend.  The 8k for the Off Road Series was also going on today.  So we mixed it up with 4 on the road and the additional 5 on the trails.  Hey, we got it done thou!  I was stoked because I improved my time from last year.  Woot woot!  It was strange to be in a tank and shorts after bundling up so much last week.  This weather, I tell ya!

 Finished!  All smiles because we were DONE!

And because I stumble upon this guy and his porta potties while driving back to work after lunch... I couldn't help but wonder, could he follow me during these crazy long long marathon training runs?  I would be most appreciative of him!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #6 - Valentine Edition

What a run!  22 miles, in ~30 degree weather.  Mucho cold.  It was nuts, but we did it.  I have to say, it seems that no matter what distance we run, my body runs out of gas with a few miles left.  I've been training for months, and following a training plan religiously, so I don't think it is a lack of preparedness, I just truly believe my body isn't meant for anything over 15 miles.  I'm so glad for taper time!  Little Rock is just a few weeks away!

My fave ladies on Sunday!

Typical Wednesday night run group shenanigans.

Sunday night ended up being a sporadic trip to Benihana's with some of my fave CrossFit peeps. I am not a big OTT person for Valentine's Day, but this was a perfect celebration with everyone!


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Soccer Scrapes

Sometimes, I wonder if I have a bulls-eye hanging out somewhere on my body.  Sometimes, I just wonder if I am that much of a klutz.  Friday night I had two soccer games.  Nothing unusual about that for me.  However, in those two hours I managed to:

-have a ball slammed up on my face
-have my hand slammed into an open box area
-get tripped over by a teammate

All on my right side too.  I couldn't hear out of my ear afterwards.  It was like a cotton ball was stuffed in my ears.  My hand has some nice bruising going on.  My ankle is stiff and sore.  Thank ankle is my biggest concern.  I am running 22 miles tomorrow; my longest run for marathon training and the last long run until the marathon.  I have been icing, flossing, therapy-ing, and general all around TLC-ing my ankle in preparation of the run.  I don't want to miss out on running the last long run, but it will depend on how this ankle feels in the morning.

Truthfully, I'm just frustrated with myself as this is the second time in under six months that I have gotten a major ankle injury a few weeks before a race.  I'm starting to question my ability to play sports and train.  A close friend thinks I am over-extending myself.  I worry about my inability to stay still.  I think after my marathon, I am going to re-evaluate my balance in extracurriculars...  until then, I'll continue running...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #5

On a Monday none-the-less.  I think that big sporting event (which I love) with lots of food (which I also love) got in the way of my posting.  Anyways....

Wednesday came with the return of the cold.  After the 20 mile run, my legs were super tired, so this was a very slow and steady run.  But i was with some of my fave ladies, so I enjoyed it greatly.

Wednesday Wednesday!

Sunday was cold but sunny, which greatly helped.  We got a reprieve with only 11 miles.  Thank goodness!

All Smiles!

Pretty sure I will be spending the week either in denial or anxiousness over the upcoming 22 miles next week!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #4

*phew* What a week!  I have been dealing with major calf cramps and knee pain.  So I kinda took it easy this past week.  Wednesday was a fun run with the gals.  Nothing too crazy.


Sunday, we were scheduled for 20 miles.  Goodness, I was mentally trying to get my mind wrapped around running all of that.  It didn't help that I woke up Saturday morning with serious calf cramping again and then slept horribly Saturday night before awaking to +60 degree weather to start the run off this morning.  We traversed all around the suburban area, where we could find hills to mimic Little Rock as best as possible.  It was exhausting, but we made it.  My knees and hips were shot afterwards, so the rest of the day was a very lazy one with stretching and icing.

Slow & steady 20 miles!

But of course, we had to have celebratory coffee in my hard earned mug afterwards.

My legs are going to need some extra TLC the next few days.  So glad that there is only one more +20 mile run before the marathon.  (So, SO ready!) 

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Day of Foodz

I slacked this week.  Getting used to writing a blog again means making time to write a blog.  With a sick family. that time has been limited.  However, food and nourishment is a continual need in life, so here is a typical day of yumminess in my life.

Random PSA:  I eat a TON of chicken.  I find it completely ironic that they day I chose to post this, there isn't a single piece of chicken.  

Coffee, always.  Sometimes cold (as pictured), but mostly hot.

Egg/egg white mix, turkey sausage, and sweet potato/butternut squash blend for breakfast.

Ground bison, peas, and these random millet & brown rice ramen noodles from Costco (that were AMAZING, btw).

Crab cake bites, green beans, and brown rice bowl.

Not Pictured:
My daily snacks. Mixed vegetables that I pretty much gnaw on every day.  Peppers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, whatever is in season.
I also typically grab a post workout snack for that "window of gainz" after CF in the AM.
Before running, I stick to my staple of an english muffin, almond butter, and a banana.
Lots and lots and even more water. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #3

This past week was mostly miles pounded out on a treadmill.  The weather just plain sucked.  But today was race #2 of the Off Road Series and the need for my Little Rock Marathon long run.  So we ran both the pavement and the trails.  Much fun and mud was had by all!

 Still clean!

Not so clean anymore!

 Mixture of mud and road running.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Meal Prep Life

It's Foodie Friday!

But since the snowpocalypse that didn't come to full fruition arrived this morning, I stayed huddled in the house and worked from home with a sick husband and a kiddo that got a free pass from school.  Since I didn't go cray-cray with any creations this week, I thought I'd talk about the food prep life.

I get comments all the time at work about my containers.  I love them and I love out of them.  I have an IsoPack backpack that I use every day.  It fits my meals, laptop, paperwork, water, and any excess stuff I need to haul,  I love it!

On Sunday, I typically set aside a couple of hours, and batch make some meals for the week.  With my busy life of running, sports, fitness, I'd rather have spare time during the week to spend with my family then try to make a meal for one before or after a meal for two is made. (They do not eat like me, and therefore meals together typically require two types of meals being made.)  I make a breakfast and lunch/dinner combo, along with snack and mini veggie bags.  I try to mix it up, but it varies as to what I have in hand, what is on sale, and what is in season.  Below are just some the random pictures of batch meals I have made in the past,

The food lasts the work week and keeps me on track.  Otherwise, I know me, and I would easily deviate from my food plan with excuses of "I'm too tired to cook." or "I just ran, I can splurge,"  This not only hold me accountable, but I also hate wasting food.  :)

Now, if only I could figure out what polite, PC appropriate quick witted response is appropriate for all the "Oh I could never do that" or " you are so dedicated" or "you always eat like that" comments.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

365 days since I started CrossFit

Wow-zah!  It has been one year, or 365 days, since my first CrossFit class.  Part of me cannot believe it has only been a year, part of me feels like it has been so much longer.  I love it!  I'm not an oversharer about my fitness regime (aside from posting running stuff- according to some), but I do love love my CrossFit.  I wish I had a before picture of my body then compared to now.  Not a face "this is me" picture but more of a "look at how much my muscles have grown" picture.  However, I have PR-ed in running since starting CrossFit.  I have changed clothing sizes.  The way my pants and shirts fit it completely different due to muscles growing and fat shrinking. The results are there.  I just have to remind myself of the progress I've made.

Now, I completely consider myself an average gal.  I've tried boot camps, gyms, fancy gyms, gym classes, gym challenges, etc.  None of them stuck with me.  I'd burn out.  Lose motivation. Get sick only to never return.  CrossFit is different.  Once I overcame my own timidness in relation to trying CrossFit, I was hooked.  Yes, I had to learn the mechanics, the moves, but once I did, I never looked back.  Now the lifts, the kettlebells, even those bloody burpees, all have become a part of my life.

I am a firm believer that there is a healthy routine for everyone.  Whether it is CrossFit, boot camp, TRX, spin class, 1:1 training, something is out there to get your body moving and your heart rate up.  It just requires time and patience to figure out what works for you.  CrossFit has become an important part of my life, and my routine, in conjunction with running.  I'm so beyond thankful for my CrossFit community and friends, and all the challenges, strengths, and gains that have come along with it.  I cannot wait to see what the next 366 (leap year!) days have in store for me.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Run Day ReCap #2

Tuesday night was a steady 3 miles on the treadmill.  Nothing too crazy to write home about.  Wednesday was the usual evening run with the gals.  My legs felt great and I got in a good 5 miles with one of the sunshiny bright Belles.

Wednesday night chill.

But... Holy Cannoli! What a Sunday RunDay.  It was sooooo cold when I woke up this morning to meet my running gals.  We are training for Little Rock, half and full (full for me), so we set out on a loop with some "rolling hills," two loops for the full runners.  I think it was around 30 degrees the entire run.

Our "it's too early for a face photo" picture at the start.

The first loop was tolerable once I warmed up.  We got through it alright and then said farewell to those that needed 9 miles after refueling with gu and water.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.

That second loop, it was BRUTAL!  I could not get my head in the game.  I don't know if it was my hip aching, my knees crunching, or my mental mind game about the aforementioned issues, but I started feeling every step I took.  We switching up the intervals we were running to get through it, and thankfully, I persevered.

 Thankful for these two for keeping me moving forward.

Afterwards, it took forever to warm back up at home.  I had to ice my knees and hip, so that didn't exactly help either.  Hot tea, shower, blanket, all of the above!  The rest of the day has consisted of laundry and football.  I'm not much for moving around right now.

18 miles, ftw.

So glad that this upcoming long run is a shorter one before we have to venture on the 20 miles.  Oh my goodness!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Banana Nut Bread

It's Foodie Friday!

I had a TON of bananas that were going bad, and just looked oh so very sad, sitting on my counter.  So, I had to do what ever foodie gal does, make BANANA BREAD! *DUN DUN DUN!*

No particularly enlightening recipe here.  I just smashed the naners, added some Flapjacked mix, eggs, and almond milk, and stirred stirred stirred!  For kicks, I added some greek whipped cream cheese in the center middle of the batter.  Baked that thing and voila! Banana Bread!  It was super delish and easy to make.  

Stir, stir, stir and add that whipped cream cheese, yo!

Before and after mackin' in my oven for some lovin.'

Imma loafin' around.

Mmmmmm.  Nom nom nom!