Truthfully, I have no idea if anyone wants to read yet another health and fitness blog. I debated even tempting to write one. But once upon a time, when I first started working towards a better, healthier me, I kept one. And I enjoyed writing out my thoughts and feelings, sharing with others, and having others share with me. Social medial, while helpful and motivating, limits the amount of excess words I babble through, my stream of consciousness.
Hippos & Herons came to me as a name for many reasons. Both are creatures that I admire and both are from my childhood. "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" is by far my favorite Christmas song. In fact, my current vehicle is named after this song. Herons were something my mom used to say I was like, as a tall and lanky child. But both also have much deeper meanings.
Everyone has fat days. I may say I feel like I hippo if I overeat or overindulge. But when I go to CrossFit, I'm all for being a hippo. Strong. Powerful. Beastly. Being a hippo has perks!
A heron is such a graceful bird. Hopefully, when I run, I am more like a heron than a hippo. But a heron may also be how I feel when I feel more fragile on my legs too (thanks to many a knee and hip issues).
A hippo loves healthy eats! As do herons. Both have diets worthy of clean eating. Again, amazing creatures, I say.
So... here's to working towards a terrific 2016, sprinkled with more of my nonsense and ramblings.
Well, I for one will be following your blog! 😘 Love you!